Monday, August 23, 2010

Did I go wrong?

I haven't had a single purchase of the bracelet's I put up for sale on my chronic pain blog. And I ordered some other stuff I haven't listed for sale yet. Wondering if I went wrong for trying to sell stuff to help me get my own domain name. I have a donation link up too since it started with no donations. Which I can understand. So, do I go further and get the chains for the purple ribbon charms I got or just drop it and be stuck with the stuff?? Hmmmm, idea's anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Just an idea: how about a contest with some sort of prize: recognition, maybe a purple bracelet or something else. Folks love contests and it might get folks more interested in your merchandise.
    Can't remember, do you mention the bracelets and donations on your face book page?
    Good luck with the bracelets and donations: hope you get your own domain name paid for!
